Kiana Tanae Kiana Tanae

Maya’s Game

Sweat drips down my forehead and the panic makes me tremble. Where am I? I can't see anything, not even my hand in front of my face. As I try to raise my arms higher I realize I’m in a confined space. I feel around… am I in a box?

My heart races as I bang on the wall in front of me. 

“Somebody help me! Let me out!”

Suddenly there is a beeping noise like a bomb. 

“Somebody help me!”

As the beeping gets faster I give up hope and cover my face like that would save me from getting blown up. Seconds later a slamming noise along with a bite of wind hits the back of my hands. I uncover my eyes, I can leave the box. I don’t hesitate, and instantly walk out. As I look around I see an unfamiliar room. 

“Where am I?”

The room feels pretty normal: bed, dresser, and closet but it's not mine. The walls are covered in hideous floral print. The floors kinda resemble the ones I have at home, wooden but extra shiny. Like they were just put in and waxed kinda shiny.

I  walk towards the only door in the room and I am greeted with a long semi-dark hallway with a metallic smell. I cover my nose as the smell is overbearing. As I walk through the hall I come across these doors on either side they are all numbered. At the end of the hallway, there is a bright red door. I turn the knob and it is unlocked. As I enter the dark room I desperately hope someone is around to help me. The room is mostly empty but reminds me of my aunt’s creepy basement I strongly avoided as a kid. 

“Hello? Anyone here?”

Suddenly the lights flicker on, I swallow hard as I feel a sudden uneasiness. Ready for my fight or flight skills to kick in, I take two steps back. A huge TV is about 6 feet from me and it turns out. The screen is bright white but a deep voice speaks.

“Hello, Maya.”

I say nothing. 

“I bet you’re wondering how you got here. We’ll discuss that later. Right now, we have more important things to discuss.”

“Like what?”

“For one… you’ve been living a lie I’m here to correct that.” 

“What are you talking about? What do you want from me?”

“I want you to see the truth. As for who I am… think of me as your guardian angel. I am on your side Maya.”

“My side?”

“Yes, you will understand soon enough. Let’s get started. Leave this room… enter door number 8 it is now unlocked for you.”

The TV screen goes black. As much as I want to run, my legs walk slowly and towards room number 8. I slowly open the door. Peeking my head in. The room is barely lit. Another dark room waiting for me, with the unknown waiting to surprise me. That's the only thing I can be sure of right now.


“Maya?” Said a familiar voice.

Before I can address the familiar voice, another TV turns on and the voice speaks. 

“Maya this is how it works. We uncover the truth together and you will see I’m on your side.”

The lights flicker on and it's almost too bright. The walls look freshly painted white like a mental hospital. 

My eyes widened as my eyes adjusted and I saw who was calling out to me. 


“Maya! Oh my god Maya… help me!”

Blair was strapped in a chair with a bomb underneath. It resembled a land mine but something was different and almost unique about it. Almost like it was homemade. Slowly it starts ticking. I rush over to help her but I am stopped by glass. I slammed my hands on the glass. 

“What are you doing? Stop! Why are you doing this?”

“Please help me!”

The voice sighs. “Blair tell Maya the truth about why you left Mike’s party and I’ll think about letting you go.”

“The truth about what? Are you crazy? You’re going to kill her because she kept a secret from me so what? We are best friends!”

“Oh, Maya if only you knew the truth… Blair tell her or you die.”

Blair struggles and fights to break free but sadly cannot. The metal won’t give way. 

“Okay okay! Maya, I’m so sorry! But… remember at Mike’s party when I told you I had to leave because I was feeling sick.” 


“I wasn’t sick, I was leaving to go have sex with Chris.”

“Chris? My boyfriend Chris?”

Blair nods as tears and sweat run down her face.

“Please let me go! I'm sorry!”

I quickly try to take it all in but I get frozen in place.

The ticking gets faster. 

“Maya, how does that make you feel?”

“Is this some sick game to you… you are going to kill her because she made one mistake.”

“Don’t be so naive Blair has been doing this for almost a year now. Some friend.”

“A year?” I gasp

My heart felt like it broke into a million pieces. 

“Maya please please don’t let me die. I’m so sorry. I didn’t want to hurt you.”

As I look into Blair’s eyes I know she can feel my rage and sadness. But I didn’t want her to die, I didn’t feel like the crime fit the punishment. 

“I forgive her! Let her go.”

The voice sighs once more. 

“Unfortunately Maya the choice is not yours.”

The ticking gets even faster.

“What? No!”

I stare deeply at Blair knowing this is the last time I get to see her alive.

“Maya I’m so s-”

Just like that, I saw Blair’s body explode into a bunch of tiny pieces. Pieces of her hit the glass and blood splatters everywhere. I scream at the top of my lungs. My ears feel like they're about to burst and my heart feels like it's in my stomach. My body trembles and I fall to my knees. Tears flood my face. 

The voice laughs. 

“Yes! The decision is mine Maya I am your survivor! Welcome to Maya’s Game!”

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Kiana Tanae Kiana Tanae

Unrequited Love

The sun glares through the dusty train window. Casting a blind spot onto my glasses. The train roars as it speeds along the tracks, something about it causes my hands to sweat. As I sit with notepad and pen in hand, I cannot find the words my mind wishes to write. Taking the pen against the notepad hoping somehow the words would write itself. Suddenly the train comes to a quick halt and everyone jolts forward. I catch myself before flying completely forward into the next seat. I peer out the window, we have stopped on a bridge. People start to whisper. 

“Sorry folks but it looks like we have to stop here for a while.”

The loudspeaker muffled the last few words but it was pretty easy to hear. I didn’t understand; stop here for a while? Why? And for how long?

It’s important I get to Brookhaven, I know he’s waiting for me there. He sent me a letter; priority mail. I leaned over to look down the rusty red colored aisle to find the conductor. He is talking with a family and the mother seems extremely concerned. I flag him down, he signals ‘one minute’ to me. I lean back in my seat, nervously I start to tug at my dress; ruffles… how I despise them. It’s the only dress I owned. Thanks to my mother it had to have ruffles. “Kacey ruffles are fun and cute,” she says. I never wanted to give off the impression of being cute or whatever is her version of fun. I sigh and tug at one of the ruffles hoping it’ll come right off. As I look up I am startled by the conductor. 

“Yes, Miss?”

“Goodness, you startled me” I place my hand on my chest.

“Sorry Miss, you had a question I’m assuming.”

“Yes, why did we stop?”

“Some train maintenance, we are sorry for the delay. We should arrive a few minutes after the estimated time.”

“Okay because I have somebody waiting for me at the station.”

“Of course. Please stay in your seat.”

He walks away to tell the same story to the people a few seats down from me. They don’t seem satisfied with that answer either. I pick up my pen and paper again, write a few random words then nothing. I let out another sigh. Unfortunately, I am startled again but by a stranger. 


I jump a bit, “Hello”.

A guy in what looks to be a very expensive suit sits across from me. 

“Can I help you?”

“No, I just thought you’d like some company.”

“I’m actually fine, thanks.”

“What are you writing?”

“Nothing of interest or concern to you.”

He laughs.

“Relax, I'm not a threat.”

“You’re an unknown man who doesn’t understand that I said no to your company.”

“I just thought I’d talk to the pretty woman who keeps deadly sighing. Thought maybe you were bored.”

“Oh… well no. Not bored, just trying to write.”

“Writer’s block! Oh, I know it all too well.”

“You write?”

He smiles softly. 

“Of course. Well first off I’m Ezra, you are?”

“Kacey… with a k.”

“Nice to meet you Kacey with a k. What are you writing about? Poetry, science fiction, love letter?”

“Poetry… I’m working on a book.”

“Beautiful. You seem like a poetess.”

Weirdly that made me smile a bit. He puts both hands in his pockets.

“You think we’ll move anytime soon?”

“I hope so, I can’t be late.”

“Somewhere special you got to be? Or someone special you need to see?”


Before I could answer he says, “Someone special of course!”

“Of course? Why of course?”

“Pretty woman like you of course you have someone special to see. I hope he’s kind to you.”

“He’s just a friend.”

“Friends should be kind too.”

“He is…”


I smile and look in disbelief. How did he know there was more?


He stares at me ready to hear my response.

“Well… he.. I… I might have… we’ve known each other for a while.”

“Mhm and?”

“He’s like family in a way sorta…”

“And you are in love with him?”

I sit in silence. I swallow my words in my throat like I’ve just been caught doing something I shouldn't. We stare at each other for a bit until I break my gaze and turn my attention back out the window. Suddenly the train starts moving.

“Finally we’re moving.” I try to steer the conversation away.

“There is no shame in loving him.”

I say nothing, just stare out the window.

“The only shame in it is you don’t think he loves you back do you?”

Why is this man still talking? Didn’t he get the hint already? Why does he seem like he’s reading my mind?

“You’re too beautiful to not be loved back. You deserve love.”

“Okay, thanks you can go now you’re creeping me out.”

I stare intensely out the window trying to process the words he said without overthinking, but his words eat at me. Was I being a fool? One that comes running whenever he requests? After a few minutes of pondering. I turned to Ezra but he wasn’t there. 


The loudspeaker had a few muffled sounds before it could be understood clearly.

“Coming up to Brookhaven station.”

My stop… finally. I flagged the conductor once more. He came quickly.

“Yes, Miss?”

“Have you seen a man in a suit with a navy blue handkerchief tucked in his coat pocket? His name is Ezra?”

The conductor pulled out a small notepad and skimmed over a few times.

“Miss, I’m sorry but there is no Ezra on this train today.”

Confusion was written all over my face as the conductor grabbed my bag from the overhead compartment and handed it to me.

“So sorry Miss.”

“That can’t be right, he was sitting right here. Just a few minutes ago, talking to me. Didn’t you see him?”


My mind draws a blank. Did he lie about his name? 

“Eastwood station!”

I sat my bag in my lap and waited for the train to come to a complete stop. I stand up to fix my dress then the conductor assists me to the door. Once I step down onto the platform I see nothing but trees and grass. 

“Kacey!”I hear my name being called.

I look around holding my bag tightly. I take a few more steps forward into the station itself and see him. Axel walks up to me smelling of sandalwood. I try to take it all in while he hugs me. I close my eyes and immerse myself in it. Once I feel his arms loosen I open my eyes only to be surprised by Ezra waving at me just inches away.


Axel lets me go but holds my shoulders.

“Who is Ezra?”

“A guy I met on the train, right there.”

I point directly behind him but Axel looks confused. 

“Kacey there is nobody there. Are you feeling okay?” 

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Kiana Tanae Kiana Tanae

Crimson Snow

The icy wind blows its unforgiving wave of snow. The horizontal pressure pushes Adam. He tries to take control of his footing but struggles to walk straight. The ground is covered in a blanket of white with a few footprints trails in front of him. He shivers and tucks his hands deep in his coat pockets. The crisp cold air makes it hard for him to breathe. He pulls out his right hand and slowly peels off the wool glove and checks his phone. Eight missed calls from Kaylee.

He shakes his head; Kaylee was always impatient. She was a tad selfish too, it’s not like she offered to walk through a blizzard to come to his house. She just knew because her family had money that she could have and do whatever she wanted without consequence. Regardless, Adam decided since it was their anniversary they couldn’t spend it a part. So Adam kept hiking towards Kaylee’s estate. He passed the old Mason cemetery and the children’s hospital. While hiking through the blizzard he started to rethink his life choices. He’s been dating Kaylee officially for two years today and nothing about seemed right. He wasn’t happy and she seemed to like to pick fights with him all the time. He started to think maybe he should go back home, he was freezing. The news said it was below zero; it felt like it wasn’t wearing anything. He looked down at his feet which were tingling probably from frostbite and noticed blood.

He gasped.

Adam turned around at the footprints behind him and saw blood.

“Is that mine?”

He looked under both his feet and saw no blood.

“I’m going home”

He started walking back home alongside the bloody footprints. He watched as every footstep was drizzled in crimson red. He was hoping it’d lead to whatever or whoever was bleeding. After a few more steps he noticed the footprints got more bloody, so he tried to walk faster against the wind. The wind fought back pushing him away from the trail but Adam fought harder and began sprinting. His breathing heavy and his throat burned from breathing in all the cold air. Adam ran until he saw a body laying in front of the Good Faith Church.

“This….wasn’t… here before…” he said, barely able to breathe.

He didn’t want to go close to the body but he looked around for help. No one was around; it was like the town shut down. Which was understandable considering the weather. You had to be either crazy or have a selfish girlfriend to be out in this weather. He stared at the body from a distance. It looked like a woman face down in the snow. The back of her head looked bashed in.

“This is awful”

He couldn’t look anymore and slowly backed away and headed home. Once home Adam quickly turned on the heat and took off his coat and shoes and plopped on the couch. He grabbed a blanket to wrap himself in, the numbness of his toes really started bothering him. He gripped them and tried massaging them. He reached for the remote but it was wet.

“What the…”

Adam couldn’t believe it the remote had blood on a few of the buttons; it was a little sticky too. He moved the throw pillows only to find a rock smeared in blood.

“What is happening?”

Then he started thinking. After a few minutes he started to remember what happened earlier. Flashbacks of him meeting up with Kaylee at the church, she agreed to meet him halfway but he already made up his mind about breaking up with her. She didn’t respond well to that; she pushed him and kept slapping him and calling him out his name. She threatened to ruin his life if he didn’t stay so he picked up a rock and bashed her head in. He decided to take the rock and her phone with him in case anybody went looking for the murder weapon and or the last person she spoke to. He calmly walked away like nothing happened.

“How did I forget that?”

He took the blanket off and began to think.

“What else am I forgetting?”

A voice from outside called to him.

“Adam? I’m home. Please don’t forget to take your medicine. It’s already four o’clock.”

Suddenly he remembered.

“Right medicine that’s why I forgot, duh.”

He chuckles to himself and walks over to the bathroom and opens the medicine cabinet. He pours two pills into his hand.

“Adam?” Said his mom

Adam swallows both pills without water and stares into the mirror.

Adam’s mom screams.

“Oh no… not again…”

He smiles at his reflection.

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Kiana Tanae Kiana Tanae

Glitch In The Matrix

As I sit at my computer, I stare at the blinking cursor. If it could feel it would be disappointed. It’s been a week and I’ve written nothing. The birds outside chirp as if they were arguing, they remind me that I sat up all night typing and deleting and now staring at yet still a blank page. I pick up my coffee mug and tap a sip and immediately spit it back into the cup. Remembering that this is yesterday’s coffee and also I didn’t put any sugar or milk. My phone starts to vibrate. I peek at the screen and see my editor's name.


I patiently wait until she hangs up. Everly is the best editor in the city, hard to get but she found me so I believe I can get away with dodging her a few times. I turn off my computer and peel myself off the leather computer chair. My legs feel weak from sitting so long. I push through the shakiness and head over to the bathroom. I figured a shower was due then breakfast and hopefully the walk I intended to take would spark some inspiration.

I walk down towards the beginning of the station so I can sit in the first car. I shove the pen into my jacket pocket and hold my notebook in my hand.

After a few minutes of waiting and anxious tapping of my foot, I hear the train whistle. It slowly comes to a stop and once the doors open I have tunnel vision for my favorite seat. I head straight for it and plop right down. I turn to my right to stare out the window, I watch as the station disappears.

I try to drown out all the people talking and making noise. The smell of smoke fills my lungs and I start to cough a bit. I look around at the other passengers but none of them are the culprit. The train stops and more people board; Suddenly I make eye contact with a man sitting directly in front of me. I wonder how I did not see him? I get annoyed but I refuse to move. The man smiles at me, it makes me uncomfortable. He smiles big and wide like he knows something I don’t. It makes all the hairs on my neck stand up. I decided once we reach the next stop I will go to the next car. Unfortunately, the train stops in the tunnel. I look around at the other passengers but weirdly enough everyone has disappeared. My heart starts to pound because we literally only went one stop and I know I saw people on here. The man takes off his hat and puts it on his lap. His face still smiling; he puts out his cigarette on the train seat next to him; it leaves a black stain mark followed by a few ashes. Uncomfortably, I grip my notebook tight. The train lights flicker causing me to panic. My heart palpitates which causes a sharp pain in my chest. The man leans over to me and says

“You’re a very beautiful young lady”

His deep voice sent shivers down my spine.

“Thank you,” I said softly.

Barely loud enough to hear my own voice.

He looks at my notebook.


The sweat on my palms makes the notebook difficult to keep a grip on.

“No, writer.”

He appeared more pleased with that answer.

“Yes of course. I’m somewhat of a writer myself. I write sexual fiction, what about you?”


He laughs.

The smell of his breath could start a war. He rubbed his balding head and looked back at me.

“Horror? Really? You’re too cute and sweet to be writing horror.”

I didn’t say anything, just awkwardly smiled hoping the train would move. Suddenly the man stopped laughing and went back to minding his business. I was happy that it was over but it was weird. The train started moving and the lights stopped flickering. I looked around and noticed that the people were once again on the train. I was again confused. Was it the lack of sleep making me delirious? The caffeine?

I looked back at the man but he was gone. My mind was playing tricks on me. I stood up and looked around walking up and down the car. I know people thought I was crazy but I know what I saw. I know I saw that man. I spoke to him. The cigarette smell still lingered in the air. There was absolutely no way he just disappeared…

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Kiana Tanae Kiana Tanae

Mimic mixup

The moonlight shines out through the clouds into an open window and a chill breeze flows through.  

“Close  the window. I don't want Pete to get sick.”

“Aunt Em, will you make me blueberry pancakes in the morning.”

“Of course sweetie and your uncle is actually going to eat breakfast with us instead of rushing off to work, aren't you?”

Aunt Em smiles and stares at him intensely. 

“… oh yes of course.”

Aunt Em smiles back at Pete. “See. Tomorrow will be a good day.”

“I know you're just being nice because I am not good at anything.”

Aunt Em stares in disbelief. “Don’t you dare say that! You just aren’t good at sports… but there is more to life than being good at baseball or football. You like building stuff, and you are really good at painting.”

Pete nodded and rolled over on his side. Uncle Eric tucked him in while Aunt Em kissed him goodnight. 

“Sweet dreams”

Uncle Eric closes the door and they both walk to their room, before they step a foot inside; A noise from downstairs startles them. A light coming from downstairs makes them both confused and uneasy.

“You left the tv on?” whispers Aunt Em

“I swear I didn’t”

A thumping noise comes from downstairs. 

“Eric what was that?”

“Stay here I’ll check.”

“No, I'm going with you.” she grabs his hand.

“I’m asking you to stay here. If something happens one of us needs to be there for Pete.”

Aunt Em nods. “Be careful”, his hand slowly releases from hers. She feels her heart skip a few beats. 

Eric heads downstairs slowly as he peeks around the staircase into the living room. He was surprised by what he saw. 


“Can I please finish the marathon I promise it’s over at ten”

Eric's face turns pale and he stands frozen in place.


“Yes? Is everything okay? What’s going on?”

“I don’t know, you tell me… is Pete still in bed?”

Emily raises one eyebrow in confusion.

“Of course he is”

“No seriously check!”


Emily opens the door and sees Pete lying in bed, the same as they left him.

“Yes, he is here, why?”

“Because I’m also looking at Peter…”

“You can’t be…”

“Honey swear to god I am.”

Emily looks back at Pete and he is no longer lying in bed but standing up right in front of her.

Emily trembles.

“What’s the matter, Auntie Em, don’t you love me?” his distorted voice made her heart pound. 

“Who are you?” 

“I’m your precious nephew.”

“Get the fuck away from me!”

Eric broke out of his fear and rushed upstairs.

The imposter grabbed Emily by the neck and lifted her off the ground.

“Oh auntie we just aren’t seeing eye to eye anymore, I’m a big boy I need to spread my wings and fly.” It laughed watching her struggle to breathe.

“Let her go!” Eric grabbed a vase and bashed it over the head. 

Its neck turned all the way staring Eric in his eyes. He threw Emily down the hall.

“Run! Save Pete!” 

“Not leaving you!”

“Emily now!”

It grabbed Eric’s neck and bit out his throat. His eyes blinked twice before the life slowly left his body. Blood poured his body staining the Italian rug. 


It turned its attention back to Emily still chewing the piece of Eric. She stumbled twice before fully getting up and running at full speed. She ran downstairs to grab Pete but couldn't find him. 

“Peter Auntie really needs you to come out of hiding, we have to go now.” her voice cracked.

“Peter, where are you!”

The imposter came downstairs and smiled at Emily as its body stretched and morphed into Eric. 

“Honey, it’s okay. You're safe now

“You are not Eric, stay away from me… Peter, where are you?”

She backs up slowly looking around the living room for where Peter might be. 

Peter comes out from behind a curtain.

“Peter, we have to go.” She grabs his arm but is unable to move him. 

“I’m afraid I can’t do that Auntie.”

“Oh my god!”

They both turn into ten tall monsters with sharp teeth. Their eyes bulging and glowing red and their sharp claws. They both growl at Emily. She cowered into a corner and started trembling, all she could do was cry. She thought at least when it’s all over she can be with Peter and Eric again. 

A loud piercing ringing noise echoes through the house like a siren. The monsters shriek in pain. A younger man shows up and grabs Emily by the arm and practically drags her out of the house, leaving her on the porch. After a few minutes, the ringing noise stops. The man comes out of the house wiping off his machete. He stands firm and unbothered. 

“Sorry for your loss.” 

Emily stares up at him into his eyes. 

“What- what was- what are those things?”

“Nobody really knows I like to call them mimics because they aren’t shapeshifters or changelings but they can mimic humans and their behaviors but they are a lot uglier than shifters. Also, they find humor in changing into children.”

“So Pete is gone?”

“He will be if we don’t find the nest.”


“It must be close to this town because well it's a town full of kids, perfect for them.”

“It killed Eric…” Emily sniffled 

“I’m terribly sorry… I was late if only I was here on time… we need to find your son.”

“He’s my nephew” Emily’s body would not stop trembling. “There is a state park close by here…”

“Great, let's start there.”

He helps her up and helps her walk to the car. 

“Thank you for saving me”

“It’s my job but you're welcome, nobody really says thank you.”

“What is your name?”


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Kiana Tanae Kiana Tanae


Darkness blinds my eyes. Nothing is visible, not even the hands in front of my face. I try to scream but I can’t make a sound. The unbearable silence is deafening. I feel up my body as if I’m trying to find something. I’m all here but my stomach area is damp. I hear a voice whisper.


I don’t know what to do. I can’t scream and I’m too terrified to move. I don’t know how I got here or why I can’t speak, I just hope soon there will be some light at least.

My prayers are answered shortly after. A bright light shines up ahead and I slowly walk towards it. My bare feet slap against the wet floor. When I reach the light its warmth makes me feel safe. I gently look down at my body; I’m wearing a dress I have never seen before. It’s pink and puffy like a doll's dress. The blood splatter on the bottom doesn’t even bother me as I am too creeped out by the outfit. The long white socks and the schoolgirl shoes. I thought I was barefoot. Wasn’t I just barefoot? How did I get into this? I still couldn’t speak, I was straining to get a whisper out.


That voice again. What did it want with me? I turned around in a circle to see if I could see anything else like a door. Still nothing. The light came from above me so I decided to look up to see if I could see anything. After a few moments, still nothing.

A mirror appeared out of thin air and I decided to look into it. If I could gasp I would. A few tears rolled down my face. I gently touched my neck, my hands trembled. My throat was cut open. I could see the inside of my neck like it was carved out with a knife; starting from right under my chin until the top of my chest. I felt dizzy and fell to the floor. My eyes blinked slowly until they stayed closed.


I open my eyes to the sound of the voice.

I instantly reach for my throat which is healed now. I try to speak.

“Hello,” it hurt to talk. It felt like the time I got the flu as a kid.

I realized I was on a bed that wasn’t mine in a room I wasn’t familiar with. I looked around, the walls looked like they were melting. Then the voice called out to me again.


“Who are you?”

“I’m your master”

“My… what? I am not a slave.”

“You are mine! I own you! Talk back to me again and I will cut your throat open and play with your flesh.”

I swallowed hard.

With a blink, I was somewhere else. It looked apocalyptic. There were burned buildings and burning trees but no people around. The air was humid, I took in a deep breath and instantly regretted it. My throat burned like it was set on fire. The sun was red, there was no moon. I looked down at my body again and to my surprise, I was wearing a wedding dress. Not any wedding dress, the dress I picked out two years ago when I was engaged.


The voice whispered in my left ear.

I turned around to see a man I have never met. He was beautiful; his skin was flawless and the color of coffee, no cream or sugar. His jaw sharp and his eyes the color of honey, he stared at me deeply.

“Just beautiful”

“Who are you? Where am I?”

“Ssshhhh you ruin it when you speak.”

I wanted to retaliate with a few choice words but with a wave of his hand, my lips wouldn’t move.

“Pin curls, luxury wedding dress picked out by you of course, glass slippers like Cinderella, diamond earrings, necklaces, bracelets, and a ring.” He took a deep breath and smiled at me. His eyes spiraled brown and white; my body became heavy. I dropped slowly but he caught me in his arms.

“My lovely we can’t get your dress all dirty. Let me take you somewhere nicer, cleaner, safer.”

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Kiana Tanae Kiana Tanae

Poem: Candy

You tried to save me for later

You wanted me sometimes

When you needed something sweet

Use me just enough

But not too much

I was your favorite treat

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Kiana Tanae Kiana Tanae

Poem: Feminine Rage

She is rage

With jet black hair

Hear her voice

Echo through your soul

And the ground shakes

Let her screams

Make your body tremble

Fear her claws

As they reach for you

Feel her darkness

Cast over you

Take cover

Under your creator

Before her eyes

See you

Shield your body

Before she takes you

Dragging you

Kicking and screaming

Into the void

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Kiana Tanae Kiana Tanae

The Deaths At Lavender Falls

The roaring of the engine calmed me as I shifted comfortably into my seat and slouched back. Tree after tree went by nothing but pure countryside. I embraced it, growing up in the city made me appreciate nature since it’s rare there. The train was mostly empty, mostly everyone got off at Forest Hills. As expected it is a tourist trap. I was headed to Lavender Falls or as people like to call it “suicide falls”. About ten people died there within the last six months and I was headed there to check it out; there is no way they were all suicides.

The suicides happened around the same time every year. As a detective I could smell something funny was going on and the deaths of Lavender Falls were not suicides. This has been happening for at least eight years. I was excited and ready to uncover what was going on. Unfortunately, my joy was shortened by a brown duffle bag falling into my lap.

“What the…”

I looked away from the window only to see a bright white smile illuminating from a young boy.

“Hey, Dana!”


I stared at him in confusion.

“Right we haven’t met, I'm Drew.”

He held his hand out to shake mine.


He quickly realized I was not going to shake his hand.

“Okaayy… right, I'm here to help you with your story.”

I sighed and rolled my eyes. I pushed the duffle bag out of my lap. My left hand palmed my face.

“Thomas sent you”

“Yes, he said if you wouldn’t let him go then I should go. To keep you safe.”

“To keep me safe!” I said in disbelief. “You… are going to keep me safe?”

He nodded and smiled.

I chuckled a bit.

“You’re about what? … 17 years old?”

“I’m actually 19”

“That’s fucking fantastic!”

His smile dropped as he picked up his duffle bag and sat next to me. I could tell maybe I was too hard on him after all this was Thomas’s fault. I looked at the kid’s face and felt bad.

“Hey, kid…”

“Yes?” He didn’t look at me

“I’m sorry… I just prefer to work alone. That way if trouble does happen I only have to worry about myself.”

“I understand that. It’s just that I need experience in the field to be taken seriously .”

“So you want to become a detective?”

“Yes. I graduated early and top of my class.”

“From college at 19?”



“Mom said I should become something else and less dangerous like a scientist.”

“So she thinks being a scientist is less dangerous? Wait… did Thomas find you through an internship or something?”

“No, I’m Tina’s son.”

“Tina? You’re Thomas’s nephew?”

He smiled.

I suddenly felt more annoyed by him. Given my relationship with his mother is what I like to call hot and cold.

“Hey auntie”

I could tell he was amused by that comment and the shocked look on my face.

“Great, so you’re family and I was rude to you.”

I took my flask from my inside jacket pocket and took a sip.

“It’s okay Uncle Thomas said you wouldn’t be pleased to see me until I told you who I was.”

I said nothing but I knew this would create a problem during my investigation.

The train started to slow down.

“This is Lavender Falls, last stop!” The man on the speaker shouted.

“Come on kid”

I grabbed my duffle bag from underneath the seat and rushed off the train with Drew trailing right behind me in anticipation. He was walking so close that he was about to step on my heels.

“If you step on the back of my boots I will send you back to Hemgrove.”

“Sorry… I’m just excited!”

“Yes I know, relax.”

We walked for about a mile to a small inn provided with directions Thomas gave and where he set up the reservations.

We entered the inn and the smell of feet abused my nose. It was mildly humid and this ghastly shade of green was painted all over the walls.

Drew leaned in close to me and whispered.

“Looks like someone threw up in here.”

“And it smells like feet,” I whispered back.

“Thomas is soooo dead.”

Drew and I giggled a little.

We were both startled by a tall pale man with an unsettling grin on his face.

“Welcome to the Lavender Falls Inn! I’m Hank. What is the name of your reservation?”

“Ummm, Hi. It should be under Morgan.”

He flipped through the reservation book.

“Morgan… Morgan… mor-”

He looked at me creepily and smiled harder.

“Dana Morgan? Thee Dana Morgan? As in Detective Dana Morgan?”

“Ummm yes”

I didn’t know what he meant by that I’m not famous.

“Thee Dana Morgan that solved those murders up in Lilycreek?”

“Oh… yes that is me. When in doubt it’s always the butler, the politician, or the mistress.”

I smiled uncomfortably.

“Yes indeed. I suppose you're here to solve the murders of Lavender Falls.”

“Yes I am, I don’t-wait… you said murders.”

“Yes, I’m not a man that believes in coincidences. Now this way follow me to your rooms. People tend to get lost around here so don’t go exploring.”

We followed him into the elevator. It was crowded but at least it didn’t smell like feet. The elevator dinged for the third floor and we followed Hank down the hall where he showed us only one room.

“Wait a minute”

Hank paused before putting the key in the door.

“The reservation is only for one room?”

“Yes but not to worry, it's a joint room. I saw the young boy with you and thought it’d be better if he didn’t get his own key. Children are so irresponsible.”

“Oh right, thank you.”

“I’m an adult.”

Hank and I both pretended not to hear Drew’s comment.

Hank turned the key to the left aggressively and pushed.

“I always show people how to open the doors so they are not stuck in the hallway.”

“Right… well thank you, Hank.”

He handed me the key.

Then he nodded and walked away. Before he entered the elevator he said, “Sorry about the smell, we have a guest with a foot odor.”

“Gross,” said Drew as he rushed inside the room.

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Kiana Tanae Kiana Tanae

Bloody Romance

Gray clouds cover the once-sunny sky. The smell of petrichor fills the air. The little animals take cover within a tree or a hole in the ground. The sound of typing aggressively adds a certain element of tranquility between humans and nature. I took a vacation away from the city to write. The peace the cabin brings helps me bring my work to life. Helps me live in the world I created through metaphors, written from experience. To no surprise the rain started to pour, it sent my cat Midnight running. He hid underneath Shane’s truck with his bright green eyes staring at me. My book was almost finished just a few more pages and I would be ready to call my editor. I heard the heavy stomping of Shane’s feet and immediately turned to him.

“Good morning,” he said, then he kissed me on the forehead.

“Morning” I smiled happily.

“It’s really coming down, damn I almost forgot we need milk.”

“Rain has never stopped you before.”

He knew I was being funny considering how I am scared to go out in the rain. I just didn’t want my hair to get wet plus with rain that heavy usually thunder and lightning are not too far away. Shane went back inside and I continued to write. Midnight was still hiding underneath the truck from the rain but started to fall asleep. About ten minutes went by when I heard keys along with Shane’s heavy boots.

“Anything else you want from the store?”

“Mmmm no I’m all set.”

“So no coffee?”

I closed my laptop and stared at him, lifting my right eyebrow.

“Don’t be ridiculous, always coffee, I didn’t know we ran out.”

“Somebody has been drinking it all up. I wonder who that could be?”

He leaned against the door frame with a smirk.

“Get coffee” I playfully rolled my eyes.

“Of course.”

Shane headed to his truck. The rain was merciless as it poured down. Suddenly it’s like a light bulb went off in my head.

“Midnight is under the truck!”

Shane turned to look at me in confusion, he couldn’t hear me. His clothes getting drenched, it poured so heavily that it seemed to mess with his vision as well.

“What?” he squinted.

Instead of screaming so he could hear me I got up and ran over to him.

“No love, now you're all wet too.”

“I know but I can’t let you run over Midnight.”

“He’s under the truck again? figures.”

“He’s scared of water, he's a cat.”

“He’s scared of everything.”

Shane took a peek underneath and saw Midnight’s bright green eyes staring back at him. He turned the truck on and honked the horn and Midnight went running out into the house.

“He’s fine, go back in the house. I’ll be back in a few.”

I nodded.

“Drive carefully.”

I walked away slowly backward just to see his smile. He drove away quicker than I expected. I jogged back into the house, my sneakers were filled with water. I decided to change.

I headed up the creaky stairs into our bedroom and saw Midnight in his bed balled up into a ball.


I walked into our bathroom and peeled the wet clothes from my body; they stuck to me like glue.

I put them into the dryer and walked bare into the bedroom. My feet were still wet, I left footprints. I put on a pair of black sweats and a red t-shirt. The shirt was technically Shane’s but he let me wear it once we started dating. As I reached for a hair tie to pull my wet hair back I heard a huge bang noise like someone shooting a gun. I instantly ran downstairs remembering that I left the door open. I grabbed my laptop from the porch and looked around. I didn’t see anything and how could I with all the rain? I panicked a little and rushed back inside and closed the door. I locked all five locks. I made Shane add more locks to the front and back doors. I loved that he always did what I asked even when I had the most ridiculous request. He reassured me and always made me feel safe but whenever he left I always got a sense of panic. Sometimes he’d say it was all in my head and that my brain was my worst enemy. Maybe he was right but part of me always felt like somebody was out to get me.

I took a deep breath hoping I would calm down. I did for two seconds until somebody started knocking on the door. I looked through the window next to the door and saw a huge man. He was covered in what I was hoping was paint but to be more realistic was probably blood. He looked dirty and rough. His clothes looked like he could be a construction worker the same like Shane, but they were torn slightly around the neck.

Quietly I tiptoed away from the window and walked over to the back door to make sure that it was also locked. When I got to the back door the door wasn’t locked. I locked all five of those. Unfortunately, another man was staring at me through the glass part of the door. He wasn’t as tall as the first man but he was just as intimidating and covered in blood too.

“You must be the girlfriend.” the man said. He smiled at me menacingly.

“We are just looking for Shane. We won’t hurt you.”

I backed away from the door and ran upstairs. I grabbed my phone and called Shane. He picked up after two rings.

“I’ll be home in a min with your-“

“Shane, get home now! Two men are here, they know you. I don’t know what they want.”

“Go to the bedroom and stay there. Hide somewhere, I’m coming.”

Before I could say anything he hung up. My fight or flight reflexes kicked in and I closed the door. The bedroom door didn’t lock so that was out of the question. Another loud noise startled both me and Midnight; he ran into the cabinet under the sink in the bathroom. Normally I would remove him from there but given the circumstances, he was safer there. I closed the cabinet door. I heard the men's voices in the house, it made the hairs on the back of my neck stand up. I carefully walked towards the closet. My own footsteps were going to cause me to have a heart attack. The old creaky floor was going to give me away. I got inside the dirty laundry bag with the clothes and stayed still. My body felt numb and my heart was pounding out of my chest.

I could hope Shane was close by. The sound of boots stomping slowly up the stairs made me tremble, I was fighting with my body's natural reaction and trying to stay still.

“We got ourselves a writer Red.”

“Nice and pretty too.”

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Kiana Tanae Kiana Tanae

Patient Zero

All was silent in the town of StoneHollow. The death of the mayor’s wife, Marie Taylor has crippled the town. Marie was known for being the nicest lady in StoneHollow. She was more liked than her husband. An unfortunate accident happened out in the woods that caused her death. She died from a severe head injury. Nobody knew why she was in the woods except for the town’s sheriff.

Sheriff John Hansley kept his mouth close about what happened to Marie in those woods, but his guilt was eating at him. He headed over to the mortuary to see Marie’s body. He slowly opened the door to see her lying on the table and Dr. Kingsley standing over her writing stuff down. The smell of lemon-scented disinfectant spray strongly hit his nose.


“John, what brings you by?”

“I just wanted to pay my respects again.” he pointed at Marie “She was a close friend of mine.”

“Yea, she was a saint to everybody.”

Sheriff John took off his hat.

Dr. Kingsley put his clipboard on the nearby table and put on gloves.

“I found something interesting.”

“Like what?”

“She was with someone when she died. I found saliva around her neck and ears.”

“You sure?”


Sheriff John became anxious. He tugged at his collar.

“Did you find out who it belongs to?”


Sheriff John's heart skipped a beat. While Dr. Kingsley turned around to grab the paperwork and Sheriff John reached for his gun.

He pointed it directly at Dr. Kingsley.

“I was actually coming to get you because-”

Dr. Kingsley turned around to be staring down the barrel of a gun.

“Okay, John look… I wasn’t accusing you but it’s your DNA on her neck and ear lobes.”

“Wasn’t accusing me my ass, Jason! I know exactly what you were implying. I didn’t kill her, I would never!”

Tears formed in John’s eyes.

“Okay okay, I believe you just put the gun down… please.”

John’s hands trembled.

Jason stared at John. He gestured his hands for John to come down. He knew John didn’t want to shoot him.

Suddenly a huge gasp for air came from Marie’s mouth. They both looked at her body in confusion.

“Was that you?” Jason asked.


Jason looked at Marie’s body closer but she didn’t move.

“I heard it… I know I did.”

John was still pointing the gun at Jason.

“Okay look, say you didn’t kill her… what happened?”

Tears left the sheriff’s eyes.

“We were in love.”


“Yes… we would meet up every morning in the woods by the rocks and we would make love.”

“You two were having an affair? What about Eric?”

John pointed the gun down and began to sob.

“I loved her! He couldn’t love her like me! She wanted me!”

John wiped his tears with his sleeve. His voice softened.

“We were just kissing near the waterfall and we got too close to the edge she slid and before I could grab her she fell. I called it in because I was already there. I-I should’ve been faster, grabbed for her. She-she’s dead and it’s all my fault.”

John leaned against the wall and slid down crying into his knees.

Jason couldn’t believe what he heard. It was an accident but she was still cheating on her husband. Jason didn’t tolerate adultery; he was raised Catholic. However, John was his oldest friend.

“It’s okay John.”

Jason ripped up the test result paper and walked over to his desk to delete it from the computer. He heard a moaning noise and assumed it was John.

“It’s okay I’m deleting it, I won't tell anybody. It was an accident, relax.”

Jason turned around to see Marie standing in front of him. He was in shock, he stood there frozen. Marie’s head was cracked open on the right side, her eyes were red, and when he examined her earlier her back was broken. She shouldn’t be able to stand.

“How is this possible? Marie, are you okay?”

She didn’t answer him. She stood there mindlessly. Jason looked over at John who was also in shock. His eyes were wide and his mouth opened. Time felt like it stood still until Marie made a loud groaning noise and then charged towards Jason. He fell against the desk knocking over everything then Marie took a huge bite out of his neck. Jason screamed in pain for John to help him. John quickly snapped out of it and began shooting at Marie. All six shots went into her body but it didn’t stop her. She kept trying to bite Jason.


“Just knock her off!”

“She is incredibly strong! Do something!”

John reloaded quickly and shot Marie in the back of the head. She collapsed on top of Jason. He pushed her off but he couldn’t get enough strength to stand up. John walked over to lift Jason. With one lift he managed to pick Jason up.

“What the fuck was that?”

“I don’t know,” said Jason

John carried Jason to his car. He gently placed him in the back seat and closed the door. He got into the car and turned the siren on.

“Just hold on!”

Jason was starting to feel dizzy and the pain was excruciating but for some reason, he couldn’t scream. The only clear thing was hunger.

“Hey, can we maybe stop at the diner first? I'm starving.”

John looked at Jason through the mirror confused.

“What! Hungry! Jason what the fuck!”

“I’m soooo hungry. It’s growling don’t you hear it.”

His stomach began to rumble and grumble loudly.

“I’ll get you some food when they clean up your wound. Okay?”

Jason groaned.

“Please hurry!”

Jason started groaning louder and louder until he became completely silent. John looked in the mirror.

“Jason… buddy you alright?”

Jason didn’t respond after a few minutes, John pulled over the car. While unbuckling his seatbelt he felt something breathing on the back of his neck. He turned around quickly to Jason looking sick. His face was pale and his eyes red and the same as Marie. John quickly jumped out of the car into the road with his gun ready.

“Stay back!”

Jason ran full speed at John so John didn’t have a choice but to shoot him.

He took two bullets to the head and fell over. Nearby people saw the altercation and began to panic.

“What is going on?” A woman asked.

“What happened to Dr. Kingsley?” A man asked.

John hated being the sheriff sometimes because people always made him answer questions he didn’t have the answers to. Not like they would be satisfied anyways.

“Everything is under control.” That was always his go-to response when he didn’t know what to say.

The people started to mutter and whisper to each other. John sighed. He was about to put his gun back in its holster when he heard a little girl scream. She was pointing at Jason, who was getting back up.


How did a headshot not work and he shot him twice. John turned to the town’s people…


Everyone went running and somebody sounded the town’s alarm. The ear-piercing alarm seemed fitting for the situation. Jason chased after some people trying to bite them. John shot him twice again to get his attention.

“Come on…”

Jason slowed down but once again the bullets didn’t stop him completely. He started to chase after John while everyone else ran and hid.

“That’s right, this way.”

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Kiana Tanae Kiana Tanae

Mrs. Misery

They say misery loves company, yes she does. She indulges in items that bring her temporary comfort. She will find every ounce of negativity there is and force it on others. Force feeding it to them until their throat bleeds.

Misery is a narcissist, who gaslighted her way through life. Piggybacking on anybody who had an upper hand. She’ll shrink you down until you beg for death.

Misery loves guests. Come sit down, she'll say. Have some cake and cookies or drink the ‘kool aid’. The first sip tastes so sweet, you go back for more. Unknowingly you’ve signed a contract for lifelong enslavement. There is no way out. She’ll make you remember you owe her now. The small kindness she shows you only was a ruse. Chained to her as her new pet, you must obey the rules and never forget… what she did for you. Because if you do, you’ll end up in an eternal fire pit of hell battling her, Satan, and your inner demons. So watch out for misery, avoid her at all costs. She wears a disguise, she’s not who you thought.

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Kiana Tanae Kiana Tanae

Apartment 13

In apartment 13, behind a black door locked tight with a key are secrets that should be burned. Banging, drilling, and groaning can be heard every night at 11:30 pm. Quick shuffling footsteps can be heard across the floor.

It happened on a Thursday night at exactly 11:30 pm. I was watching TV when I heard a boom on the ceiling followed by muffled screaming. I tried to ignore it but with each minute that passed it stayed on my mind. I slid my slippers on and headed out the door. The dimly lit hallway was chilly, and the smell of garbage filled the air. No doubt Mr. Hill in apartment 11 had his garbage sitting outside his door again. I’ve talked to him twice now about that. I took the stairs right next to my door. The echoing of my footsteps made me uneasy like somebody else was walking right behind me. Somebody left a cigarette lit in the staircase window, the sign that said no smoking meant nothing I guess.

When I got to apartment 13, I stood at the black door anxiously. The key was sitting in it. The key was black and looked shiny, I touched it and instantly regretted it. It was sticky. I wiped my hand on my pajama pants.


I knocked on the door twice.

“Hello, is everything okay in there?”

I waited a few minutes but nobody responded. The noises continued. The sound of a drill was incredibly loud. I banged on the door a couple of times.

“You can’t drill at this hour!”

I grew impatient.

“I’m going to call the police!”

Immediately after the drilling stopped. People only listen when the police get involved. I decided to walk away but I heard a door open. I realized the door was now open. I took a peek inside, a foul smell was fuming in there. It was so bad I didn’t want to walk in. I hesitated then walked in anyway. Holding my nose tightly I slowly walked around the apartment. No one seemed around, which was weird because then who opened the door? I heard a floorboard creak.


I walked into the bedroom and saw nothing unusual. However, the smell was stronger here. I couldn’t pinpoint where it was coming from. The room only had a bed and a bookcase; which only had three books. I searched under the bed and in the bookcase; after five minutes I gave up. I was leaving the room when I tripped over another key. I picked it up and it was also sticky. I didn’t understand where it could go. Another door? Another apartment? The place was pretty much empty so I didn't understand the noise. It was like it all vanished. I decided to leave but on my way out I saw a handprint on the bathroom door. I pushed the door open to see a tub full of blood. No bones, no skin, no meat, just blood. I opened the closet door and saw a small meat grinder and realized where it all went. My eyes widened. I couldn't believe what I was seeing, I tripped over my own feet trying to leave. I stumbled on my way out. I grabbed onto the corner of the doorway and threw up in the hall. I wiped my mouth and took a deep breath. My first thought was to call the police but that changed once I felt a hand grab my shoulder. I screamed in terror. Another hand closed my mouth. I started to cry, I just knew I was going to die. The person turned me around and looked me in the eyes. He was covered in blood from head to toe. He took his blood-dripped finger and drew a cross on my head. He pulled me in close and didn’t break eye contact.

“You will be spared! The rest will burn!”

I couldn’t move or speak. I just stared at him while he was smiling at me. He let me go and slammed the door in my face. I ran back downstairs to my apartment and called the police. They didn’t come until the morning, I know because I didn’t sleep. I stayed up the entire time washing the blood off my face and packing. I couldn’t get that man’s face out of my head. Flashbacks hit me randomly until I heard two car honks from outside and I looked out the window. My mom was waiting for me. I grabbed my suitcase and bags and took the elevator down. Still thinking about what I saw. I walked out of the elevator past the police. I rushed into my mom’s arms like a child and hugged her tight. I don’t think she believed me, I don’t think anybody did.

A week later, I was in my room watching a documentary about an insane cultist. I figured that’s what that man was, a cultist. A knock and then my door opened, mom came into my room to tell me that my old building burned down and everyone died. They say the fire started in apartment 13. I could tell from how she looked at me that she now believed me.

“I’m glad you called me when you did, that could’ve been you.” Tears formed in her eyes.

She was right. Weirdly enough, so was that man. I was spared. That’s the story of what happened in apartment 13.

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Kiana Tanae Kiana Tanae


The sun sets, the brisk wind blows; and the leaves dance. Brown, yellow, and orange fill the air and scatter across the land. Darla the farmer comes by to check on her crops and to her surprise, the crows have gotten to them again. Her old scarecrow wasn’t scary enough to keep them at bay. They had been picking at her crops for weeks. She walked over to the scarecrow and stared at it. She couldn’t understand why it wasn’t working. The scarecrow was covered in bird excrement. She took the scarecrow down and took it to the shed. The crows cawed, it was like they were mocking her. Once inside she placed the scarecrow on the workbench and cut off the old clothes, pieces of straw fell onto the floor. She searched around for clothes for it, but all she found were her husband’s old clothes. She hesitated, she was still very attached to her husband’s things even though he’d been dead for almost three years now. He got sick and by the time the doctors found out what was wrong, it was too late. She pushed her sad thoughts to the side and grabbed a pair of pants, a shirt, and a hat. She quickly dressed the scarecrow and took it back outside. The hat kept falling off while she was carrying it back to the post. Each time she picked it up she felt like the scarecrow was moving on its own. Twitching and wiggling. She chalked it up to it just being the fierce wind. She sat it on the post and weirdly enough she thought she should name it.


She tied his hat down. “Keep the crows away charlie.”

Charlie gently blew in the wind. Darla thought that if she added something like a gardening tool it would make him scarier. She placed her landscape scythe in its hand and tied it with string. She stood back and admired Charlie. After a few seconds, she headed to the house, hoping Charlie would scare some crows. She took in a deep breath and sat on the porch in the rocking chair with Charlie in the distance. She struggled with keeping her eyes open until she drifted to sleep.

She woke up to the sound of screaming and jumped up. She saw Charlie was not on the post and immediately ran over. She looked around and saw nothing but dead crows. Blood and feathers everywhere left her speechless. The screaming continued, it sounded like it was coming from her neighbor's house down the road.

Darla ran down the road, every step brung more panic and her imagination ran wild. She didn’t know what to think, was there a serial killer loose, or were her thoughts from earlier true? Did Charlie move? Was Charlie running around the neighborhood? What was doing?

She came to a complete stop when she saw the blood on the steps of the Greer house. She slowly pushed open the cracked door and stepped inside. She inched her way in and saw a trail of blood leading to the kitchen. She saw Mr. Greer lying on the floor with his throat slit open. She screamed. She heard a creek in the floor coming from the laundry room and headed over to the backdoor where she saw Mrs. Greer pinned to the wall in fear. She was too afraid to open the backdoor right next to her. Her face looked pale, her eyes were wide, and her lips quivered. Charlie was standing upright, he lifted his hand ready to slash Mrs. Greer’s throat. The farmer couldn’t let Charlie hurt anybody else.


Charlie looked at her. She couldn’t believe she was talking to a scarecrow.

“Stop! What are you doing? Please… Please don’t hurt Mrs. Greer.”

Mrs. Greer, still frozen in place, looked at the farmer like she was the last person she was ever to see. Charlie brought his attention back to Mrs. Greer.

“Charlie don’t!”

Charlie swiftly slit Mrs. Greer’s throat. Darla watched Mrs. Greer slowly slide down the wall holding her neck, blood shot out from between her fingers and splattered on Charlie.

Charlie ran off out the back door towards the Patterson’s.

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Kiana Tanae Kiana Tanae

It Came At Night

The wind howled like a pack of wolves on a full moon. The grass danced amongst the breeze. All the animals were tucked away for the night; the farm was at peace. The moon shined bright through the blinds of the Bennett home. Little Tommy was getting ready for bed; his parents read him his favorite bedtime story. They both kissed him goodnight and left the room. Tommy tossed and turned for hours until he heard a noise outside his window that startled him. Tommy inched out of bed slowly and walked over to the window; a figure's shadow appeared amongst the blinds. It stood patiently waiting for him to open them. He reached for the string and drew back the blinds; what stood before him he had never seen before. A creature with big sharp teeth smiling at him. It was drooling like it realized what it wanted to eat. Tommy screamed for his mom; his parents came rushing in.

“A monster is trying to eat me!”

He ran into his mother’s arms, where she caressed him and held him tight.

She looked at her husband, who was searching Tommy’s room.

“Nothing to worry about, buddy; I didn’t find any monsters.”

“Check outside, please! Dad, please! I saw it.”

Tommy’s dad grabbed his jacket from the hallway closet and flashlight and checked outside, but all he saw were trails of blood and slaughtered animals.

“Charlene! The goddamn animals are dead!”

Charlene and Tommy walked to the front door. They saw all the animals had been either eaten completely or had little bites taken out of them.

“See, it was the monster!”

Tommy’s parents looked shocked; all their animals were gone; every chicken, every cow, every horse, all dead. The silence was deafening until Tommy screamed.


Tommy’s mother covered her mouth in fear as she saw the creature emerge from behind the barn. She panicked at the sight of it and yelled.

“Run, John, run!”

John couldn’t believe his eyes; a seven-foot-tall creature snarled at him from only a couple of feet away. The creature started to run, and so did John. Mary couldn’t watch her husband die, so she shoved Tommy into the house and grabbed the shotgun. The creature jumped on top of John, showing all its teeth. Blood dripped out its mouth and landed on him. A loud noise from the shotgun and the drop of the creature indicated that Charlene shot the creature clean in the head. The creature fell onto John; he quickly pushed it off in fear and disgust.

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Kiana Tanae Kiana Tanae

The Engagement

A warm breeze shakes the trees gently. The sun struggles to shine through all the clouds. The smell of fresh flowers fills the air intensely. Leo sneezes a couple of times while sitting on the park bench. He covers his nose with his arm and then checks his watch. 11:55 am; he begins to tap his foot anxiously. After fifteen minutes of constant waiting, he begins to slouch. He digs in his pocket, gripping a small box, and pulls it out.

“Hey!” Shouted a friendly, familiar voice.

Leo quickly put the box back and stood up.

“I’ve been waiting all day; what’s the matter? Got lost?”

“Ha ha, very funny.”

Leo was finally ready to propose to his long-time girlfriend, Ava. They have been together for as long as he could remember, best friends turn partners. He figured now was the time to ask the big question.

Leo stood up confidently.

“So why did you want to meet here?”

“You love the park.”

“Yea, I do but you’re allergies.”

“I’ll be fine.”

She looked the way she always did when she was concerned.

Leo grabbed Ava by the hand and guided her to sit on the bench. She tucked her dress underneath her before she sat down.

He got down on one knee, and Ava’s face lit up. He pulled the box out of his pocket and opened it.

“Ava Hansley, will you-”


Leo smiled.

He slid the ring on Ava’s finger, and she squealed in excitement. Leo stood up, feeling proud. Ava jumped into his arms and wrapped her legs around him. They kissed so intensely that they didn’t even hear the small crowd clapping for them.

Leo and Ava looked around at the people congratulating them, smiling, but the moment was short-lived. Leo made contact with a woman in the far back of the crowd and realized who she was after a few moments of staring. Everything moved in slow motion as he stared into her hazel eyes.

“Let’s go.”

He put Ava down and then grabbed her hand.

“What’s wrong? What happened?”

Leo couldn’t speak. His throat was dry, beads of sweat formed on his face, and panic showed in his walk.

He practically dragged Ava out of the park. Unfortunately, the woman caught up with them at the entrance.

“Hi Leo”

Her voice felt like it echoed through his whole body.

Leo froze.

“Who is this?” Ava asked curiously.

“Nobody,” Leo snapped

“I’m nobody? That’s funny; I used to mean a lot to you.”

Ava grabbed her arm from Leo. She walked towards the woman.

“Who are you?”

“I’m Rain.”

“Rain? Like the rain?”


Ava rolled her eyes.

“How do you know Leo?”

“Ask him”

The panic kept Leo still.

“Leo, how do you know Rain?”

He stood there trying to come up with a lie. After a few seconds, he mumbled a bunch of words that sounded like they were one word.

Rain chuckled.

Ava forced Leo to turn around and face them.

“Speak! Who is Rain to you?”

“She’s ummm… she’s…”

He looked directly at Rain; she smirked like she had just won a game.


Ava’s face turned red; she tapped her foot, waiting for a response. She grew impatient after a few minutes and asked Rain again.

“How do you know Leo?”

“Leo and I used to mess around.”

Rain’s smile angered Ava. Ava knew what she was implying.


“Freshmen year of college”


Ava looked at Leo; you could almost see the steam coming out of her ears. Leo felt his soul leave his body.

“For how long?”

“Six months”

Ava shook her head in disappointment. A tear fell from her eye; she wiped it away quickly. Rain wasn’t bothered that she was causing a severe problem in their relationship.

“Who are you to Leo anyways?”

“I’m his… well, I thought I was his fiancé.”

Leo broke his silence.


Ava took off her engagement ring and handed it to Leo. She crossed the street and disappeared around the corner.

Leo was enraged that Rain had ruined his engagement.

“You had to tell her that! What the fuck is wrong with you?”

“Can’t believe you left me… for her. She’s dressed like a Barbie doll. I thought you liked realism.”

“Fuck you. Ava is the realest person I know.”

“Riiigghhttt sure.”

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Kiana Tanae Kiana Tanae

Hunter: Part 6

Cain met back up with everyone else. The empty response on his face alerted Rose that something had happened.

“Where’s Dean?”

Cain sighed.

“He’s with Lily and Jack… Jack is dead.”

Rose put her hands over her mouth. Davina awoke and heard the conversation.

“Jack’s dead?”


Davina raised her eyebrow.

“It seems like since you’ve come around, all of us are dying one after the other. Mack, now Jack, who’s next, Blake or me? We don’t-”

“Yea, I know I’m leaving! Just don’t blame me because Dean is the one who recruited all of you, humans… to do his job so ask Dean why you guys are dropping one by one.”

“No, we chose this!”

“Without proper training on every monster, it was suicide… it was death you chose.”

Davina was speechless.

Cain turned to Eliza and Sam.

“Let’s go.”

The bass in his voice felt like it shook the trees.

Eliza picked up Sam and followed behind Cain. Sam waved bye to Rose; she smiled and waved back. Davina struggled to stand up; she leaned against the tree, trying to straighten it.

“Blake, wake up!”

“It’s no use; he’s unconscious.”


Dean and Lily joined the group, and Dean was full of rage. His fists were tightly balled up. Lily walked over to Davina to help her keep her balance.

“We do not need a fucking vampire to help us! We have been fine before; we don't need assistance from the monsters we kill!”

Davina and Rose nodded in agreement. Dean walked over to Blake and slapped him twice. Blake jolted awake.

“What! What happened!”

“Jack is dead, and Cain is gone; let’s move before the wolves come back.”

“What? Jack is dead.”

Dean didn’t even notice the sadness in Blake's eyes. He grabbed a duffle bag and started walking towards the road. Davina tried to comfort Blake.

“I’m sorry about Jack; you two were like brothers.”

“Yes… yes, we were.”

Blake's voice softened, and he looked defeated. He pulled himself up quickly, holding his arm, and headed in the same direction as Dean. Rose followed, with Davina and Lily trailing not too far behind. Rose was surprised that Cain, Eliza, and Sam were already gone.

“Where did they go that fast?”

“Who cares!” shouted Dean

Rose's heart dropped to her stomach.

“I know I was just… never mind.”

Rose understood Dean’s frustration; he lost two people, and Cain didn’t help. He didn't do anything to save Mack or Jack.

Everyone followed Dean down the road towards the next town over. The sun started to set as they walked for miles. Lily, who was far behind, heard a rustle in some bushes as she walked by.

“Who’s there?”

She pointed her gun at the bushes.

“Show yourself”

The rustling continued until she saw a wolf’s head peak out. Strangely she didn’t shoot it; the wolf wasn’t attacking her. She watched as the wolf turned back into a man. He was young, about her age. He stretched and yawned.

“I’m sorry, am I boring you? Or interrupting something?”

The wolf turned to look at Lily. His piercing blue eyes stared deep into her soul.

“Right, sorry”

He cracked a smile like he enjoyed seeing her tense.

“Come with me?”

“What? No!”

“Well, I’m trying to help you.”


“Your friendly vampire problem?”


“Yes, the big softie… I know how to kill him.”

“Thought he was, you know… unkillable.”

“He may think that, but I know otherwise.”

“Why would you help me anyways?”

He smiled, staring back into her eyes like he was reading her. His charming good looks didn’t amuse Lily. She rolled her eyes.



“What? What the-”

“That’s my name.”

“Your name is King?”


“How ironic”


“Being the only white wolf means you're the alpha.”

“I used to be”

“Anyways, King, just explain why you’d be helping me.”

“I’m helping the hunter.”


“Listen, there is a sword called the sword of Muerte. It said to be able to kill the first families.”

“Sword of Muerte”


“Okay, who has it?”

“I don’t know. As the hunter, he’ll know.”

King turned back into a wolf and ran into the forest, leaving Lily confused and annoyed. She started walking to catch up with the others.

“Sword searching to kill a vampire? Alright, can’t get any weirder than that.”

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Kiana Tanae Kiana Tanae


The unforgiving icy wind blew snow covering Santa’s workshop. Big hoofprints trail toward the open swinging door. All through the workshop, you heard the sound of a whistling machine making a repeating banging noise. The conveyor belt kept pushing half-finished toys out that got jammed in the machine; no one was around to operate it. Blood splattered all over the walls and smeared across the floor. In a corner, a pile stacked high of tiny mutilated elf parts with lights wrapped them like a Christmas tree. In the study sat Santa, whose face was beaten in by what looked like hooves. Blood dripped on the letters from kids who thought Christmas would be like every other year. Outside in the stable, the reindeer would lay; they were all slaughtered horrifyingly. Pieces of antlers laid about, and the sleigh bells on the ground. A huge roar echoed miles away from a small town across the icy lake. Kids tucked in tight in their beds with hopes of Santa Claus coming to bring their gifts. Unfortunately, this year Krampus broke free from the prison that Santa placed him in. Krampus walked over to the first small house he saw and breathed intensely on the window. He could smell that naughty children lived in this home and cracked a menacing smile. Krampus climbed the roof of the tiny house with his sack and crawled down the chimney.

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Kiana Tanae Kiana Tanae

Hysteria: Part 2

She quickly closed the curtains. She dropped the book; it opened back up, showing more intense details of the crows eating her eyes. She noticed the banging at the window stopped. Her heart started to slow down. She looked back at the book. She grabbed it and rushed over to the front door. She looked around before opening the door; not a crow in sight. She opened the door and tossed it out as far as she could, then slammed it shut.

A feeling of relief and peace came to her as she walked back to her study. She sat back at her desk and began to type.

A few hours passed, and she had written at least ten pages; she decided it was time for a break. Tea seemed more suitable than coffee, considering the experience she just went through. She walked over to the kitchen.

The forest green color kitchen was her sister’s idea, but she hated it. Lia struggled to find the ginger tea. She searched every cabinet and couldn’t find it. Lia opened up a drawer, and her eyes widened. She backed up slowly.

“What is happening?”

The black book was sitting in the drawer. She backed up into a corner. Her heart started pounding; it felt like it was going to explode. She grabbed her chest. As fast as she blinked, the book appeared in front of her on the floor. She started to scream, making her heart pound faster. The book opened once more, but it showed nothing. Amid her fear, she didn’t notice that her sister had returned home. She rushed in and grabbed Lia.

“Lia, what’s wrong?”

Lia only heard the intense ringing in her ears and then passed out.

Lia woke up in her bed. She looked around her room. Her sister was at her side, holding her hand.

“Can you hear me? Lia? Can you hear me?”

Lia groaned and held her head.

“What happened? Why were you screaming?”

“I- the book… where is that book?”

“What book?”

“The book that was on the floor right in front of me.”

“There was no book.”

“Yes, there was, it was there, and the birds- the crows were… killing themselves… smashing into my study window.”

Her sister looked worried.

“Birds? What birds?”

“Go check!”

“There aren’t any birds of any kind at the window.”

“Please, Becca… I saw them.”

Lia's voice was shaky, so Becca decided to take a look downstairs. Lia followed behind her. They headed down the stairs and into the study. Becca opened the curtains, but the windows were clean.

“Spotless and bird free.”

“No, I swear… I saw them.”

“Isn’t that the horror story you’re writing? Maybe you need to take a break because you're hallucinating… let’s sit on the porch, get some air.”

“No, the crows!”

“They are no crows.”

Lia couldn’t believe it. She stared at the empty window, not a drop of blood or a crow in sight. Becca grabbed Lia by the arm and pulled her to the front door.

“We are going to sit on the porch!”

Becca opened the door, and Lia screamed.

“Cut it out! What is wrong with you!”

Becca pushed Lia out the door, and Lia looked around timidly. No crows came to attack her.

“See, you’re fine”

Lia was confused; she knew she saw what she saw. She didn’t understand where the book went or why Becca couldn’t see it or what happened with all the dead crows.

“I guess I just imagined it all…”

“Yes, you did.”

As Lia stood there taking in the beautiful sight of the snowy mountains while the rain gently poured down, she decided to forget the whole thing.

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Kiana Tanae Kiana Tanae

Long Way Home: Part 2

Nina felt like she was losing her mind. She was speechless, then suddenly, the road disappeared. She froze, and then everything disappeared. She was standing in a black void and the temperature lowered. Her breath became visible. Her heart pounded.

“Anybody there?”

A voice whispered.


A chill drifted up Nina’s spine. Her body shivered, and she folded her arms together. She walked around for what felt like hours trying to find anything other than nothingness. She began to feel hopeless, and tears formed in her eyes. She felt someone grip her shoulder. Her eyes widened, and her heart palpitated. She slowly turned around, and she was back in her car.

Nina looked around and saw she was in the middle of the road, and it was now nighttime. One tear dropped onto her cheek.

“Must’ve fallen asleep.”

She looked around the car to see if everything was still in place. She noticed that her keys were not in the ignition.

“What the”

She checked her pockets, she checked her bag, she checked the glove compartment, she checked everywhere she could check and found nothing. She took a deep breath and closed her eyes. When she opened them, she saw her keys floating outside her car. Nina couldn’t believe what she was seeing and rubbed her eyes. She thought she was dreaming again. She heard the voice call out to her again.


“This isn’t happening. This isn’t real.”


“What do you want from me?”

The voice only got louder. Nina thought if she just closed her eyes, she would wake up, but when she opened them again, she saw a woman holding her keys. The woman's eyes were missing, and her mouth was full of blood. Some of it spilled out on the windshield.

“Leave me alone!”

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